Truck update

Howdy y’all! And welcome back to the Redneck Blog! And today the blog I have been waiting to post is finally here which is a good ole truck update. Alright know my truck here is a 1991 Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel, which is the toughest Diesel engine made. `

And the amazing thing is this truck here is now 29 years old which is really old for a truck, I now yes their is older trucks out their but still. So I have had this truck for a year know and I have saved up some money and I figured now is the time to get some parts for my truck. So I went on the good ole internet and ordered a exhaust part for my truck! The part I ordered is downpipe which connects to the back of the turbo and brings the exhaust coming out of the turbo to under the truck. The stock downpipe was only 3 inch and it was rusted and the one I ordered is a new Diamond Eye Performance 4 inch downpipe so it’s louder and sounds better.

I mean come on you now me already! “If you can’t hear it from a mile away it’s not loud enough :)” And when I get the rest of the parts to finish the full exhaust system which is going to be a big ole smoke stack I’ll put it on the blog for yall! Alright y’all that’s going to be the end of the blog today have a good one yall!


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